Akash Malik

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Troubleshooting Life 4, January 4 - Time is finite. Spend it wisely. Have a healthy media diet.

7:12pm - I found myself very upset and lonely today. Wishing I made different choices in life.

The outcomes I got were not what I initially desired when I was in high school.

But what can I do? I cannot change the past. I keep looking at the top left of my iPhone, where I write this in Google Docs. The clock only ticks forward, minute by minute.

The seconds go by in my head like the metronome from marching drumline. Tick, tick, tick…

Time is a very funny thing. We have a finite amount of it.

So we should spend wisely, in a way that provides us with options.

I should earn money to secure my financial freedom.

I should make writings, videos, posts, and websites.

Media. Tools that store and deliver information.

“makes the text habitable, like a rented apartment.  It transforms another person’s property into a space borrowed for a moment by a transient” - De Certeau

Quality information, not garbage information, as you journey through life.

Eat a healthy media diet of books made of trees, bits and bytes, or TV, or movies, or bird sounds, city sounds.

Produce work that others can inhabit, and use to transform their lives.

In this media saturated world, do not get the media diet overloaded with the wrong information.

Focus on your inner well-being, Reader.

Ignore information goes against facts and science, like Agent Orange, as Spike Lee says.

It’s tragic that around this time a year or two ago, the United States had a President who was against science; politicized it, and politicized wearing masks, and lives were lost.

A leader’s words and actions have consequences, and in this case it spread deadly germs.

John Oliver talked about this man’s media diet on HBO. Garbage in, garbage out.

Spend your time “eye and ear eating” healthy, Reader.

ACTION POINT: Time is finite. Spend it wisely. Have a healthy media diet.