Free write your way to your discipline.

Here’s an irony about freedom: Discipline gives you freedom. Like disciplined journaling.

Writing, for me, takes discipline. To freely express with words all my feelings, attitudes, thoughts and beliefs on a new Apple Page or Google Doc as soon as I wake up.

Once I am done, I can now finally focus my energy elsewhere.

In today’s excerpt from The Daily Drucker, “The Function of Management is to Produce Results,” the authors seem to agree with this notion.

Managers in companies, schools, or hospitals are responsible for producing results, such as

  • Economic performance

  • Student learning

  • Patient care

If these results are not produced, the institution will not exist much longer.

The action point here is to articulate the mission of the organization, especially if the team or organization starts losing its way.

This also applies to meetings that start to lose their way: it helps if someone is taking notes!

By taking notes in a meeting, you can refer back to key questions asked during the meeting, or decisions that were made, and any relevant thoughts or feelings the participants had.

In Zoom meetings at Per Scholas, I often type the meeting notes while sharing my screen.

This practice often result in shorter meetings, because everyone is literally on the same page.

I find AI note-taking to be efficient too, but typing the notes myself has the added benefits of reinforcing my memory and understanding of the meeting.

ACTION POINT: Free write your way to your discipline.


Seek (steal) international inspiration.


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