What People Say

Akash showed us that being a leader requires something most of us don’t have or need to work on. That’s patience.

Akash had over 25 students in class coming from different backgrounds, having different beliefs, and having had different experiences. We failed a lot, asked a lot of questions, and all those things aside, Akash remained patient with us.

Akash trusted that we would make it to the end of the Per Scholas AWS re/Start training. I like how you were always genuinely positive about our success stories. For that, I want to say thanks on behalf of our class. On a personal note, I really appreciated that I’m not the only one obsessed with Harry Potter.
— Manuel Lopez, AWS re/Start valedictorian Feb 2023
When group collaborators have friction or drop out, Akash can be counted on to see a project through to completion at a high standard.
— Dede Maitre, Film Professor, Producer and Editor
Akash has the ability to develop and manage a project to the end and have excellent rapport with a wide range of personalities.
— Neal M. Bennett, Digital Media Curriculum Specialist
Akash is very proactive and observant. He wants to learn as much as possible and goes above and beyond to complete his tasks.
— Rob Schwartz, CEO of WHO?MAG Multimedia, LLC