Troubleshooting Life 313, November 8 - We are all actors in the divine play of life

In today’s Daily Stoic “ACTORS IN A PLAY, ” Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman cite Epictetus’ Enchiridion.

"Remember that you are an actor in a play, playing a character according to the will of the playwright - if a short play, then it's short; if long, long.

If he wishes you to play the beggar, play even that role well, just as you would if it were a cripple, a king, or an everyday person.

For this is your duty, to perform well the character assigned.


Reader, I was born in the suburbs of Edison, New Jersey.

I earned a full tuition scholarship to Temple University in Philadelphia.

But even after college, I kept learning and growing.

I had jobs. I read books. I looked myself in the mirror, I washed and left the house, and I “faced the music” in Los Angeles.

In January 2019 I got laid off.

I spent four difficult months searching for another job in the entertainment industry.

I kept interviewing, and coming up short, until I ran out of money.

I moved back to New Jersey to celebrate being 23 and miserable.

I enrolled in Per Scholas Newark and graduated in December 2019.

Since March 2020, I have been working at Per Scholas.

Working here helps me help myself by helping others.

When I am not training folks in technology, I am writing.

Blogs, books, plays, movie scripts, code.

Whatever it is, I am always reading and writing.

I feel like I have to write it out just so I can think clearly.

But every writer, they have to act at some point!

ACTION POINT: We are all actors in the divine play of life


Troubleshooting Life 4, January 4 - Time is finite. Spend it wisely. Have a healthy media diet.


Troubleshooting Life 312, November 7 - Prepare your work for a variety of scenarios