Judge by deeds, not by titles.

Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It's about impact, influence and inspiration.

- Robin S. Sharma

I wrote on my blog about how I went from working in film to technical training. Now I am in management.

The title doesn’t affect me. All that matters is whether or not my work is good.

A title doesn't define who you are.

Your actions and behavior do.

The legacy of great people is based on the actions they took in the situations they were in. A title is only an interesting name.

Here is an image by DALL-E inspired by the idea that titles don't matter, emphasizing the importance of actions and character over labels.

None of these titles matter at the end of the day. You can have a fancy title but still feel empty inside until you do what matters: bring real value to the people around you.

ACTION POINT: Judge by deeds, not by titles.


Is the knowledge in your head, or in your hands?


Troubleshooting Life 5, January 5 - Work Backwards from the Deep Burning Questions (DBQs).