Make small changes that compound over time.

Teaching other human beings at Per Scholas is so much better than being Front Door Manager at The Players.

Now that I can afford it, I can probably even become a member of The Players if I wanted.

This new job even gives me lots of writing time, which I am careful not to waste.

I consider writing to be serious work, as is reading.

It may not always be “paid” work, but it is work. Philosophy, self education, overcoming self doubt, achieving goals that you set.

James Clear writes about how “atomic habits” can get you toward your goal. These goals are massive, but like compound interest, it does add up over time.

Reading as little as one page a day can make a difference. In Chanakya Neeti, Chanakya has similar advice:

‘Never let any day go without some study of a written word. One should make one’s day fruitful by doing good work and study.’ (Chanakya Neeti 2.13)

ACTION POINT: Make small changes that compound over time.


Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.


Try not to let bad news affect your mood.