Troubleshooting Life 182, June 30 - Use media to evoke feelings and primordial images

This is 1 out of 366 pages from my upcoming book "Troubleshooting Life."

1 page a day, 300 words or less, focused on education, entertainment, or enlightenment.

Reader, others do want to help you on your journey towards… what did you say it was again?

Whatever “it” is, you will likely be questioned about this goal by your loved ones.

Part of leadership, and living a good life, is explaining to others a clear vision of your life plan.

Storyboards can be useful, for movies or UX design, but also in designing your ideal life.

Force clarity and simplicity within yourself, and then the Page.

Then approach the team.

In the meeting, take a longer term view. (2)

Use words, use visual literacy, use aural (audio) literacy.

Communicate with images of dreamy products, starring dreamy people, in dreamy places.

Get a budget, position those things in a frame, light the space.

Get microphones as close to your talent as possible.

Post production. This is a sacred place that must be protected.

From scope creep especially, otherwise budgets will balloon.

Professor Lou Pepe at Temple University had a primordial image exercise I will share too.

He asked the class to stand feet shoulder width apart, look down, becoming a “pendulum.”

Now sway back and forth like a pendulum. Allow images and sounds to flood the mind’s eyes, the mind’s ear, and allow the phantom images you consumed to spring up from within.

Soon, Reader, you end up in a meditative place. You see “primordial images” as Jung wrote about.

In King Warrior Magician Lover, Robert Moore and Douglas Gilette expanded on four primordial “masculine energies,” and achieving maturity and balance with all those energies.

It can get a bit esoteric and weird sometimes.

I can still see the classroom, and hear Lou’s voice.

Practice entering and leaving this dream state, Reader, and communicate your findings.

ACTION POINT: Use media to evoke feelings and primordial images


Troubleshooting Life 183, July 1 - Business wisdom has three parts


Troubleshooting Life 181, June 29 - Do not forget to mourn your dead during celebrations in life